Friday, April 9, 2010

Respone to classmate's blog

All classmates’ blog are so nice, but I especially like the blog, "Go Green." Actually, the blog title "Go Green" is attractive to me and is filled with unique ideas and energy information on the blog. Even though she has many things written down on her blog, she has one post that was very interesting. One man is drinking the polluted water, not clean. Basically, we really need clean water for living, but then we do not much care the significant of water. This one post causes me to think again about that we have responsible to preserve nature today.


"Where I lived and What I lived for"by Henry David Thoreau is about his experience in the woods. He mentions, "Children, who play life, discern its true law and relations more clearly than men, who fail to live it worthily, but who think that they are wiser by experience, that is, by failure."(Thoreau,1954) He states that children, who play life, live with lightness unlike us, who live with complicated adn seriousness life. I think he wants to say that we need to turn inot simplicity with nature by using less energy resource, as we take off complicated life.

Thoreau, David H.(2007). where I lived and What I lived for. In S. Cohen, 50 essays: a portable anthology. Boston: Bedford/St.Martin's

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Respone to change climate

US President -elect Barack Obama gave the first of his weekly addresses to the nation and declared that he mentioned American leadership on climate change.

Economic growth in China

According to this article, China has rapid economic growth about 10% per year and has been fufiiled by an annual energy growth rate of greater than 10% from 2001 to 2005. This in turn has led to the construction of one to two GWe of electrical making capacity per week over the period with the vast majority of the power plants using coal. China has equaled the carbon consumption rate of United States at 6 billion tonnes per year in 2006, far sooner than was expected due to the energy growth.

Levine, M. (2008). Energy Efficiency in China: Glorious History, Uncertain Future. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1044(1), 15-27. doi:10.1063/1.2993717.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How can we reduce wasting energy?

There are lots of ways to reduce our wasting energy in our life through the resources.
1. Turn off when you are not using.
2. Cover pots; thaw frozen foods before cooking; plan meals carefully.
3. Wash full loads; use cold water.
4. Walk; ride in carpools; ride a bike; keep car in good running condition.
5. Short shower instead of deep bath; take shorter shower.
6. Install storm doors; keep doors closed when using heat or air conditioning; install wather stripping.
7. Set at 68 degrees in winter and turn down at night by wearing warm clothes; set at 78 degrees in summer by wearing cool clothes.
8. Close flue when not in use; install glass firescreen that can be closed when fireplace is not in use.
9. Close draperies at night; put shutters, blinds, or drapes on all windows; install storm windows.
10. Do not use several heavy users at the same time.

Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, Science, Technology and EnergyDivision Energv Savers Activity Book With the Energy Robots. Montgomery, AL: Author, n d.(p.17) (Address 3465 Norman Bridge Road, Montgomery, AL 36105.)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Energy usage

As fossil fuel energy are making many problems such as changing climate and greenhouse gas emission, many nations and governments suggest other energy resources which are clean, emission free, and renewable energy like solar, wind, and ocean energy by nature. Therefore, through this chart, how energy usage is increasing in each year. According to this chart, the rapid growth of energy usage has increased since 2004 abruptly. In addition, I could know how renewable energy in limelight today.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Wind energy

The wind energy converts kinetic energy into electircal and mechanical enrgy. The amount of wind energy depends on the turbine's sizd and the wind speed. It supplies about 10,655 kilowatthours (kWh) of electircity each year, as an average USA household use. However, it has several disadvantages that it kills the birds, and then it causes bad environmental impacts. Also, it produces a noisy like whooshing sounds.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hybrid cars

Go to check the advantage of hybric car to see the explaning why hybrid cars has profits.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Solar energy

Solar energy is produced by the sun. Solar energy has many advantages, especially, if solar energy were to replace the forms of energy being used in the United States today. Several countries in the Middle East has already been starting to use Solar Energy and they are even placing solar panels on the houses currently. In addition, it is environmentally friendly, independent enery, and saving meoney. However, the production of solar energy is influenced by the presence of clouds or pollution in the air, so the energy could be limited when it encounters these weather. It also require large area to aquire the good level of effectiency.